In der Klasse 9m haben wir die Schüler nach ihren Eindrücken gefragt: Was hat euch gefallen? Was nicht? Was habt Ihr in der Schule oder in der Freizeit gelernt? Die Ergebnisse haben wir hier zusammengefasst. Glücklicherweise ist die Liste der positiven Eindrücke bei weitem die längste - und sogar "class" und "school" wird dabei genannt.
Zusammengestellt von Florian Riedlinger, Stepan Peraska, Georg Vogt. Fotos: Claus Strunz, Stefan Edelmann
What I liked
the quiz, because we learned sth. about Broadstairs
singing the folk songs
being with my friends by the sea and sitting in the café “Morelli's Gelato” after the quiz
the disco in the evening
school (would you believe it??)
my friends and I found a nice restaurant where we had a good pizza for lunch
the lessons in the afternoon – Mark, our teacher taught us a lot of things and we played many games
lunch with my friends
discussing with the students in class
learning about the opinions of other students in my class
taking pictures with my friends by the sea
lessons in the morning
disco in the evening
my friends and I found a nice restaurant where we had a good pizza for lunch
the lessons in the afternoon – Mark, our teacher taught us a lot of things and we played many games
lunch with my friends
discussing with the students in class
learning about the opinions of other students in my class
taking pictures with my friends by the sea
lessons in the morning
everything because we had a fantastic day in London London is the most beautiful city I have seen so far! It was so interesting to see all the sights from the English book for real
Mark was a cool guide
Mark was a cool guide
the trip to Canterbury
Barn dance was much fun and I liked it very much.
the beautiful town of Canterbury where we could go shopping
shopping in Canterbury
the delicious brownie I ate in Canterbury
drama in the afternoon because we had to do something on our own
karaoke in the evening
drama was very, very funny and I will never forget how everybody of my class was acting!
drama – I haven't had so much fun in a long time.
being at the beach, taking pictures with my friends
What I didn't like
the weather on Monday because it rained and it was so windy
the quiz
that we woke up an hour early because we forgot to change our watches – and our host father woke up because of us. So embarrassing!
the quiz was boring – and the weather on Monday was so bad
school, because we had class until 5 pm.
the disco
that I went to the wrong group for my lesson – but the teachers were very friendly.
disco was boring – I didn't like the music
we had only little time for ourselves
that the lunch break on Thursday was so short
the barn dance – even though it was fun to watch the others dance, it's not for me
we had trouble finding the meeting point for the trip to Canterbury – so we were 5 minutes late...
Barn dance – because the Italians couldn't dance
the barn dance – I ran against a pillar
I was sick on Friday, so I couldn't take part in drama
What I learned
a lot about Broadstairs
that showers in England are more difficult to use than in Germany
there are two taps in each washing basin
telling stories
lots of Italian curses
the word “pavement”
I learned that some supermarkets have a clothes shop upstairs.
that 8 teenagers fit into one phone box
how Guy Fawkes was punished for trying to blow up Parliament
a lot about the history of London
what exactly a barn dance is – and how it works
the word “chitterlings”
more italian curses and the word “nuclear power station”